Steve Baxter

Entrepreneur, investor, and ‘Shark’ on Shark Tank Australia

Steve Baxter is one of Australia’s most successful tech entrepreneurs, an active investor and mentor to startups.

Steve founded River City Labs, Brisbane’s well-known co-working hub in 2012 and has been championing Australian startups and entrepreneurs ever since.  He has appeared as a ‘Shark’ on Channel 10’s Shark Tank Australia since 2014.

Steve has now launched TEN13 an investment syndicate platform for sophisticated investors to invest alongside him and the experienced Transition Level Investments team.

If you’re a sophisticated investor looking to diversify your portfolio and invest in top calibre technology companies apply on TEN13.

He is also founder and CEO of Transition Level Investments, who invest in early-stage startups.

 Tips For Startups & Entrepreneurs | Subscribe on YouTube


What it takes to be an overnight success… Business ideas & confidentiality…

What it takes to be an ‘overnight sucess’ | Steve Baxter | Entrepreneur & Investor

Overnight successes do happen. But, they aren’t the norm. They are the exception to the rule. In this short video Steve Baxter shares how long it too him to become ‘an overnight success’ in business.

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So you’ve got a great idea for a business. Fantastic! Be cautious about asking potential investors to sign confidentiality agreements – most will probably turn you down. And here’s why….

Stop treating your business like a cash register… What’s the best age to become an entrepreneur…

Stop Treating Your Business Like a Cash Register – Steve Baxter

In this video, Steve Baxter discusses the importance of getting your business finances in order. Steve is an Australian entrepreneur and investor. He’s also one of the Sharks on Shark Tank Australia.